Playing it Forward-ebook : 50 Years of Women and Sport in Canada

Edited By Guylaine Demers , Lorraine Greaves , Sandra Kirby , Marion Lay

A Feminist History Society Book Series

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Over the last 50 years, the struggles to achieve equity in sport have become central to the feminist mission. This book contains an inspiring collection of stories from the women on the front lines: athletes, coaches, educators, and activists for women's sport, who have done so much to foster change. Many of the women profiled here reflect on their tough beginnings in sport: being isolated and unconnected, competing in makeshift settings, training alone, and inadequate equipment. But they also reflect on the joy of movement, teamwork, and competition. These women grew to be remarkable role models and helped to dismantle sexism in sport. To read these stories is to swell with pride over their victories, to empathize with their battles with discrimination, and to become re-energized to confront collectively the many hurdles left to clear.

Praise & Recognition


Publication Date: September 1, 2014

Genre: Adult Nonfiction

Product Format: E-book – EPUB

Pages: 392

ISBN: 978-1-927583-52-4

Weight: 0

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