At Great Risk : Memoirs of Rescue during the Holocaust

By Fishel Goldig , David Korn , Eva Lang

The Azrieli Series of Holocaust Survivor Memoirs

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Poland. Ukraine. France. Slovakia. Everywhere across Nazi-occupied Europe, Jews suddenly found their lives in danger during World War II. Locked away in ghettos and facing deportation to death camps and concentration camps, Jews were desperate to find shelter and safety. When no democratic country came forward to open their doors widely enough, or at all, it was up to ordinary people to stand up and risk their lives to save their friends, their neighbors and sometimes, even strangers. Decades after the war, Holocaust survivors honored their saviors, paying tribute through having them named as Righteous Among the Nations.

Praise & Recognition


Publication Date: May 1, 2021

Product Format: Paperback

Pages: 365

ISBN: 978-1-989719-10-7

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