Our Story

Dedicated to publishing feminist-inspired books for adults and young readers.


We publish from a feminist, social justice perspective. Our goal is to give the power of publication to authors and illustrators who have faced a higher barrier to that opportunity.


We aim to represent the diverse world we live in, and we are always looking for authentic voices.


We want children to see themselves represented in books and to also learn about the world outside of their own experience.

Second Story Press was co-founded in 1988 by Margie Wolfe and three other women dedicated to publishing feminist-inspired books for adults and young readers. We are proud that for 35 years we have been publishing great books that matter. Our books are sold around the world, have been translated into over 50 languages, won many awards, and have been adapted for film and stage. Our list spans adult fiction and nonfiction; children’s fiction, nonfiction and picture books; and young adult fiction and nonfiction.

We continue to look for stories that feature strong female and queer characters and explore themes of social justice, human rights, equality, and ability issues. We are committed to finding authentic voices. We are committed to publishing more creators from communities who have been traditionally underrepresented in books. Please see more information on our Submissions page. 

We have been very fortunate to work with organizations like Plan Canada International, The Canadian Civil Liberties Association, The Feminist History Society, Boost Child & Youth Advocacy Centre, The March of the Living, Literature for Life, Canadian Breast Cancer Society, The Canadian Ovarian Cancer Society, The Canadian Cultural Centre of the Deaf, Leave Out ViolencE, and Planned Parenthood.

Meet our Team (illustrations by Qin Leng & Liz Parkes)

Phuong Truong


Phuong started at Second Story Press in 2004 after completing a Bachelor of Commerce at Queen’s University and the publishing program at Centennial College.

She handles all things numbers-related and ensures that staff do not go too long without snacks and treats.

Emma Rodgers


Emma started her marketing career working for a non-profit. Her first job in book publishing was in rights, an area that remains close to her heart. She is happy that her work at Second Story allows her to collaborate with people who put a feminist, social justice agenda first. Her free time is mostly spent wrangling three redheads who, she hopes, will come to appreciate the value of books as much as she does.

Jordan Ryder

Managing Editor

Jordan earned her Master’s in Publishing from the National University of Ireland, Galway in 2018, before moving back home to Toronto, and has been working in feminist-focused publishing ever since. She joined the Second Story team in 2020, and though she loves books of all shapes and sizes, she thinks there’s nothing like a good children’s book. Her goal in life is to have more dogs.

Michaela Stephen

Sales Manager

Michaela Stephen completed her Master’s in English Literature at the University of Calgary followed by the publishing program at Centennial College. Michaela did an internship at Second Story Press then worked as a publicist at Biblioasis before rejoining Second Story in 2021. She’s thrilled to be back with the team. Outside of work, she enjoys reading, writing, singing karaoke, and collecting strange earrings.

Laura Atherton

Production Manager

Laura completed her Bachelor of Journalism degree at Carleton University in 2019, followed by Concordia University's publishing and graphic design program. Laura spent a few years working in graphic design in Montreal before realizing she missed working with words and joined the Second Story Press team in 2022. Outside of work, Laura loves reading, writing, running, and carrying her camera everywhere.

April Masongsong

Associate Editor

April completed her Bachelor’s in English and History at the University of Toronto and taught English as a Second Language to teens and adults before getting her publishing certificate at Centennial College. She joined Second Story in 2023 and is ecstatic to be part of a team that publishes feminist and social justice stories! April never leaves home without a book, is always willing to participate in a friendly debate, and yes—she was born in April.

Luckshika Rajaratnam

Marketing Coordinator

Luckshika started seeking out stories as a paralegal in legal administration. She helped people navigate the legal system as she listened to various tales take shape in courtrooms. She went on to complete the publishing program at Centennial College and decided she wanted to help new authors navigate the world of publishing.

After working as a publishing assistant, she started working at Second Story Press in 2024. When she isn’t reading or writing in her spare time, you can often find her hunting for lavender items around the city.

Margie Wolfe

Publisher Emerita

Margie Wolfe has been publishing women-focused, social justice and human rights books for adults and young people since 1977.

She began at Women's Press, and now at Second Story which she co-founded with several women including Carolyn Wood in 1988.


The land on which we work and live...

The women of Second Story Press would like to recognize the ancestral lands on which we work and live. The building that houses our office, at 20 Maud Street, is situated in traditional territories, including those of the Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Anishnabeg, Métis, and the Mississaugas of the New Credit — and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples.

We at Second Story have been privileged to work with Indigenous authors, illustrators, editors, and other collaborators in this publishing house, and we hope that the books that we produce here can in some ways contribute to the reconciliation process in our country. We would like to work with more Indigenous creators, editors, educators, etc and we are committed to making those connections happen. Explore the Indigenous Editors’ Association here.

Our supporters

We are grateful for the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council, and Livres Canada Books. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada. We would like to acknowledge the support of the Ontario Creates Book Fund, an initiative of Ontario Creates, and the Canada Book Fund in creating this website.

Second Story Press is a member of the Association of Canadian Publishers (ACP), the Ontario Book Publishers Organization (OBPO), and the Canadian Children’s Book Centre.