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Can the strength accumulated over a lifetime of losses be enough to cope with a...
Any Kind of Luck at All
Mary Fairhurst Breen
You're never too old for adventure
Flee, Fly, Flown
Janet Hepburn
Somehow it was easier to be inside the injury. Not to see what was visible...
Susan Mockler
A broke granny starts her own grow-op and gets much more than she dreamed
Gone to Pot
Jennifer Craig
As she aged, Kathleen McDonnell discovered her secret superpower: swimming in cold water.
Growing Old, Going Cold
Kathleen McDonnell
A striking new literary voice tells the story of a young Indian woman coming of...
Rajni Mala Khelawan
“We have told only half the stories of how our world was shaped.”
More Than a Footnote
Karin Wells
He was René and no one else.
Nights Too Short to Dance
Marie-Claire Blais
What is it to be unloved?
Philomena (Unloved)
Christene A. Browne
A young Somali woman defies convention and clan to marry the man she loves, but...
Tale of a Boon's Wife
Fartumo Kusow
\"That's how we lived, surrounded by ghosts. They sat at the table while we ate...
Tell Me a Story, Tell Me the Truth
Gina Roitman
Marguerite Andersen's Trillium Award-winning French novel \"La mauvaise mère\" has been translated into English. Part...
The Bad Mother
Marguerite Andersen
The sins of the past are never forgotten, or forgiven, in this Quebec Noir set...
The Birds That Stay
Ann Lambert
A murderer with a twisted mission targets the most vulnerable on the cold streets of...
The Dogs of Winter
College prep or prepping for the end of the world?
The End of Always
Rebecca Phillips
Ages 13 - 19
No one gets the better of the Oracle of Cumae.
The Oracle of Cumae
Melissa Hardy
Entertaining, moving and insightful, Tilly and the Crazy Eights is both an adventure story and...
Tilly and the Crazy Eights
Monique Gray Smith
There’s blood in the water…
Whale Fall
Behind every “landmark case” is a woman with a story.
Women Who Woke up the Law