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You're never too old for adventure
Flee, Fly, Flown
Janet Hepburn
Flee, Fly, Flown-ebook
There’s nothing lucky about your family falling apart
Just Lucky
Melanie Florence
Ages 13 - 19
Just Lucky-ebook
A couple's shared writing of their journey through his dementia
Love and Forgetting
Julie Macfie Sobol
Ken Sobol
Love and Forgetting-ebook
Old Photographs-ebook
Sherie Posesorski
Ages 9 - 12
After a series of debilitating strokes, Ruth Tyler wants to reconcile with her estranged daughter,...
Sometime Daughter
Melanie Dugan
Sometime Daughter-ebook
The Little Word Catcher
Danielle Simard
Ages 6 - 8
The Little Word Catcher-ebook