Run the World Like a Girl : International Women Leaders
Meet the girls who grew up to be outstanding world leaders
Girls and women make up half the world’s population, but there is a long way to go to see the same representation in politics. Today’s girls can make that number grow!
Run the World Like a Girl tells the inspirational stories of twelve girls from across the globe who became leaders of their countries. Who were they as young people? What motivated them? Although they came from different backgrounds and different paths, they shared the same desire for positive change—and the belief that they could be the ones to bring it.
Vigdis Finnbogadóttir of Iceland was the first woman to be democratically elected as president of a country. Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan was the first woman elected to lead a democratic government in a Muslim-majority country. Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand was the first woman to have a baby during her time as Prime Minister. Kamala Harris is one of only two women to come within reach of being President of the United States. All twelve extraordinary girls in this book, and the powerful women they became, show us how to Run the World Like a Girl.
Praise & Recognition
Publication Date: October 14, 2025
Reading Age: 9 - 12
Genre: Children's Nonfiction
Product Format: Paperback
Pages: 112
ISBN: 978-1-77260-425-2
Weight: 250

About the Author
Kate Graham
Kate Graham researches, writes, speaks and teaches about politics in Canada. She holds a PhD in Political Science and teaches in the Political Science Departments at Western and Huron University College. Kate is the creator and host of No Second Chances (NoSecondChances.ca), a Canada 2020 podcast about the rise and fall of women in Canada’s most senior political roles – a project which inspired her own political pursuits, and this book. Kate lives with her partner Jesse and daughter Flora in London, Ontario.
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