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A murder, a secret, and a world torn apart by violence in pre-Revolutionary Russia
Rachel's Secret
Shelly Sanders
Ages 13 - 19
Rainbows in the Dark
Jan Coates
Ages 6 - 8
Reconcilable Differences
Cate Cochran
Redefining Retirement
Margret Hovanec
Elizabeth J. Shilton
A collection of ten women wordsmiths from L.M. Montgomery and George Eliot to Margaret Atwood...
Remarkable Women Writers
Heather Ball
Ages 9 - 12
Kamal tries everything to avoid his school trip to the live reptile exhibit – everything...
Reptile Flu
Kathryn Cole
A collection of first-hand accounts of strength, resistance, and discovery from immigrant and refugee women.
Resilience and Triumph
The Book Project Collective
An incredible true story that stretches across fifty years of turbulent history and across the...
Kathy Kacer
Roses for Gita
Rachna Gilmore
Rough Magic
Caryl Cude Mullin
A moving picture book about the Ojibwe Horse, the only Indigenous-bred horse in Canada.
Runs with the Stars
Darcy Whitecrow
Heather M. O'Connor
Sasha and the Wiggly Tooth
Rhea Tregebov
Sasha and the Wind
How do you say good-bye to your baby after you’ve just said hello to first...
Saying Good-bye to London
Julie Burtinshaw
See Jane Run!
Liz Brady
At twelve-years-old, David Suzuki's daughter continued in her father's environmental footsteps.
Severn and the Day She Silenced the World
Janet Wilson
Sexual Harassment
June Larkin
The first book for children on the escape of Jews during WWII to Shanghai.
Shanghai Escape
All children have the right to a school...
Shannen and the Dream for a School