Can Posters Kill? : Antisemitic Propaganda and World War II

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Propaganda is a dangerous weapon in the spread of hate.

“How on earth did people come to hate, participate in, or turn a blind eye to the disappearance of six million people?”

How did Hitler and the German Nazi party convince millions of people that the genocide of Jews during the Holocaust was not only justifiable, but correct? What can we learn from one of the world’s most terrible times in history? Can Posters Kill? uses rare and original posters to take readers on a visual journey from 15th-century anti-Jewish media to the venomous propaganda of the Second World War. These posters show how powerful propaganda can be as a social and political tool, and act as a warning sign for the kind of messages that can be spread, in an instant, in today’s digital world. Through understanding propaganda from the past, we can recognize and prevent similar campaigns from succeeding again.

Praise & Recognition


Publication Date: October 21, 2025

Reading Age: 13 - 19

Genre: Teen

Product Format: Default Title

Pages: 100

ISBN: 978-1-77260-429-0

Weight: 200

About the Author

Jerry Faivish

Jerry Faivish has collected Jewish posters since young adulthood, building one of the world's largest private collections. A retired lawyer from Toronto, he is passionate about Judaism, family, history, and confronting antisemitism. The son of Holocaust survivors, he hopes his book will educate young people about the dangers of hatred.

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Kathryn Cole


Kathryn Cole

Kathryn Cole has spent her career in children’s books as an illustrator, art director, editor, designer, instructor, and publisher at Scholastic, OUP, Stoddart Kids, Tundra Books, and Second Story Press. The books she has overseen have won multiple awards, including four Governor General’s Awards and the Bologna Ragazzi Award for Nonfiction. She has authored nine books including Double Take: a Single Woman’s Journey to Motherhood. Kathryn volunteered as a support to parents for thirteen years with Boost in their crisis support and court preparation groups. She lives in Toronto where she enjoys freelancing as a consultant, writer, and editor.

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