
Edited By Jessica Hein , Heather Holland , Carol Kauppi

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From pen, brush, and tongue, girls and young women speak their truths, tell it like it is, and call for change. This collection of creative works is an exploration of young women’s identities, self-expression and voice.

Praise & Recognition

Contains the words and artwork of girls teetering on the brink between girlhood and adulthood. Canadian Review of Materials
This book would make a welcome and worthy addition to a young adult collection. Counterpoise
This collection of stories, poems and art by young Canadian women is a true testament to the power of art in girls' lives...This exploration of the up and downs of being female is sometimes raw but always real. It is sure to strike a chord with its intended audience. School Library Journal
At times I cried as I read about their life experiences; experiences no individual should have to endure. This book is mature, honest, inspiring, raw, heart-wrenching and uplifting all at the same time. The Book Guru
This enjoyable book compelled me to think about my role as a mother of teenage daughters and challenges teachers to think about the environments teenage girls need to thrive. Professionally Speaking: The Magazine of the Ontario College of Teachers

Amelia Bloomer List 2009 - Commended

Stellar Book Award 2009 - Short-listed


Publication Date: October 31, 2007

Reading Age: 13 - 19

Genre: Teen, Children's Nonfiction

Product Format: Paperback

Pages: 204

ISBN: 978-1-897187-30-2

Weight: 396

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