Image: SSP self care

Self-care at Second Story

Posted by Second Story Press on

After a draining year and a half, most of us have become adept at taking a step back, taking care of ourselves, and re-energizing to take on another day. Whether we’re working from home or an essential worker, taking care of a family or nursing an excessive amount of plants purchased in quarantine, we all need time to breathe and re-centre ourselves. As July 24th is International Self-Care Day, we thought we’d share what the Second Story team does to relax. How does it compare to how you wind down?


Margie: I like to be quietly alone, in bed, with lots of food nearby, flicking TV channels and skimming magazines.


Phuong: I relax on my back patio—making sure to shut the door to the house to stifle any sounds from my family—with a treat, some tea, and a book. Homemade goods are calorie-free, so I try to bake my own desserts as much as possible.


Melissa: My go-to self-care routine includes a long, relaxing bath, with optional sheet mask, fancy candles, Lush bath bomb, and glass of wine.


Bronte: I love to re-watch old movies and TV shows (1995 version of Sense and Sensibility starring Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson, anyone?), ideally with something sweet to snack on. Cuddling my cats is always good too!


Yasmine: Self-care for me typically means going for a hike in nature or otherwise spending some time outdoors. Especially if it includes a beach, sunscreen, and a really good book.


Jacqueline: Self-care for me is taking long walks around the neighbourhood, bonus points if I manage to stumble across ice cream, and quiet time cloistered away with a good book.


Gillian: My favourite way to care for myself is to go somewhere quiet and just breathe.


Jordan: I like to bake or cook something new. It’s productive procrastination with the bonus of something (hopefully) yummy at the end!


Rosie: At the end of a long day, I step onto my mat. Yoga and meditation allow me the space to quiet things down when everything becomes a little too much. For me, self-care sounds like: inhale, exhale, repeat.

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