Between Friends: A Year in Letters-ebook
Longtime friends Helen Levine and Oonagh Berry decided they missed the tradition of "real" letters. The obvious solution for them was to initiate a correspondence project. Their goal? To write each other a longhand letter every two weeks for a year, and see what, if anything, they were missing in their usual friendship rituals of lunches, visits and telephone chats. The result is a wealth of insights yielded from over 150 years of combined life experience. Week in and week out, Helen and Oonagh weave together tales of family, work, politics, motherhood, aging and creativity. Reading Between Friends is like sharing a warm pot of tea with two frank, articulate and experienced companions.
Praise & Recognition
Publication Date: January 1, 2005
Product Format: E-book – EPUB
Pages: 280
ISBN: 978-1-926739-07-6

About the Author
Helen Levine
Helen Levine is a former social worker and professor energetically engaged as an advocate for women’s rights. She received the Governor General’s Award in Commemoration of the Persons Case for advancing the equality of women in Canada.
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About the Author
Oonagh Berry
Oonagh Berry’s short stories have been published in Canada and Ireland. She grew up in Ireland and now lives in Ottawa with her husband, the poet Christopher Levenson.
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