Severn and the Day She Silenced the World

Severn and the Day She Silenced the World

By Janet Wilson

A Kids' Power Book Series

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At twelve-years-old, David Suzuki's daughter continued in her father's environmental footsteps.

Severn Cullis-Suzuki’s speech at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio caught the attention of the world. As the daughter of environmentalists David Suzuki and Tara Cullis, Severn's concern for the environment was fueled by a trip to the Amazon rainforest at age nine. Back home in Vancouver, she and her friends started ECO, the Environmental Children’s Organization, combining their efforts to raise enough money to travel to Rio. They couldn't have imagined the effect they would have on the adults gathered there. More than twenty years later, Severn's speech continues to receive thousands of hits on YouTube. Severn’s story is about the power that children have to create change when they work together, and how their voices can stand out above the politics and cynicism of adults.

Praise & Recognition

[Severn and the Day She Silenced the World] communicates a vital message: not only that kids can accomplish a great deal when they work together, but that it's important for kids to be passionate about the Earth and social justice for the sake of their own futures. Resource Links
An award-winning author, Wilson has written another powerful work of creative nonfiction with an environmental focus. CM Magazine
This title is perfect for sharing with jaded middle graders who no longer think they can make a difference in the world and feel powerless. Reading Today Online
I adored this book both as an educator and as a former child activist... I would highly recommend this book as part of a biographical collection or for an environmental issues unit. ETFO Voice

The Green Earth Book Award - Young Adult Non-Fiction 2015 - Short-listed


Publication Date: April 19, 2014

Reading Age: 9 - 12

Genre: Children's Nonfiction

Product Format: Paperback

Pages: 184

ISBN: 978-1-927583-23-4

Janet Wilson

About the Author

Janet Wilson

Janet Wilson is an author and fine artist. Her book, Shannen and the Dream for a School, was the winner of the First Nation Communities Read award in 2012, nominated for the Silver Birch Award from the Ontario Library Association 2013 and soon to be a TV movie. Her picture book, Our Earth: How kids are saving the planet, was the winner of the Science in Society Book Award, a finalist for the Silver Birch Express, and named a Smithsonian Notable Book for 2010. Janet lives in Eden Mills, Ontario, a community with a strong environmental focus that includes an initiative to be the first village in North America to go carbon neutral.
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