The Courage To Change : A Teen Survival Guide

By Leave Out ViolencE (L.O.V.E.)

Edited By Brenda Proulx

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Teens talking to teens in a powerful book where formerly violent young people speak out to their peers. A unique compilation of real-life stories and striking black and white photographs that grapple with issues of bullying, neglect, self-image, domestic violence and sexual abuse that are sometimes compounded by drug abuse and criminal behavior. Their stories provide rare insight into the treacherous journey through teen life. Ideal for schools.

Praise & Recognition


Publication Date: September 20, 2001

Reading Age: 13 - 19

Genre: Teen Non-Fiction

Product Format: Paperback

Pages: 178

ISBN: 978-1-896764-41-2

Weight: 540

About the Author

Leave Out ViolencE (L.O.V.E.)

Leave Out ViolencE (L.O.V.E.) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the reduction of youth violence across Canada. Currently, they are working in schools in Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia and Nova Scotia. The young people who have written this book continue to promote non-violence among their peers.
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About the Editor

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