We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Faye Schulman on April 24th, 2021. Faye was one of our most heroic authors, and she led a truly courageous life.
In 1995, when she was already in her seventies, Faye wrote A Partisan’s Memoir about her life as a partisan fighter, photographer, and nurse during the Second World War. Faye’s parents and three of her siblings were among the hundreds of Jewish people murdered by the Nazis in the Lenin ghetto, and Faye herself was one of only 26 to survive.
Saved because of her skill with a camera, she took photos of the atrocities for the Nazis but was brave and brilliant enough to make extra copies, which she brought with her the first chance she got to escape and join the partisan fighters. Over the next two years, Faye served as a nurse and documented partisan activity, often having to bury her camera to keep it secret and safe during missions. As the only known Jewish partisan photographer, Faye’s work illuminates a fascinating and important piece of history.
Her courage has been recognized by multiple governments, her photos remain a legacy at the Partisan Museum in California, she appeared in several documentaries, and she spoke to thousands of students of all ages. Faye’s impact has been immense, and Second Story feels very fortunate to have published the story of such an incredible woman.
Our thoughts are with Faye’s family and loved ones at this time.